Thursday, October 8, 2015


DIY - Waterproof shoes

Just bought a new pair of canvas shoes? Waterproof them with only 3 simple steps! 

1) Get some beeswax ( you can get it from Amazon) and pick out your canvas shoes that you'd like to be waterproof. Make sure your shoes are completely clean.

2) Gently rub the beeswax on your shoes, cover them completely. It would leave them looking a bit odd, but don't worry!

3) Use a blow-drier on your shoes, this will make the beeswax heat and you won't even be able to see it on the shoes any more. 

4) After the blow-drying, your shoes will look completely normal. Now, your shoes are WATERPROOF!

Warning, this also means they won't breathe as well and this can only be used on canvas style shoes!!

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